Originally our trout water, yet carp have resided in this lake since 1984.
- In October 2004, 100 carp were introduced between 11 and 25lbs. The original carp have grown, although sizes are yet unknown in this relatively new lake.
- In November 2015 another 60 carp between 11 and 15lbs were introduced.
- In October / November 2016 another 46 carp were moved from River lake and Foxes lakes into Sunnyside 2 – weights between 10-18lbs.
- In June 2017 12 fish (mostly mirrors between 10 + 13lbs) were moved from River lake into S2.
- In November 2018 20 fish were stocked from IG fisheries between 13 & 17lbs.
- In January 2022 10 fish were stocked in from our own stockpond between 8-11lbs.
The top weight now stands at 34lbs with 'Buster' and also 'Mollys fish' at 33lbs 'Callums fish' at 31lbs, 'Crouchy common' at 32lbs, 'Houdini' at 30lbs and several other up and comming 30lbers.
- Sunnyside Two has a small island and quite a lot of open water.
- Average depths between 5 to 8ft.
- Margins are definitely worth fishing.
Hot Spots
Again can be wind direction dependent. Corner swims always seem to hold the fish, for example, pegs 9 and 18 but the bund swims opposite deep hole (pegs 11 - 13) also produce regularly.
Good. 2 Car parks and parking behind all roadside swims.

Rules and Regulations
All anglers must review our rules and regulations before coming onsite to help protect and sustain our fishery and create a pleasant atmosphere for all visitors. We ask that you take a moment to review our regulations here. We hope you enjoy your time at Wyreside!
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